Happy New Year!
1/2/01 Happy New Year
I spent the weekend away for the New Year, so no restoration update, but I posted a story Deane Gardner sent me about a Dino experience in the Ferrari Stories Section. Thanks Deane!
I’d also like to announce a new web site worth taking a look. Kerry Chesbro has owned his 330GT 2+2 for many years and has put his progress on a new web site. It’s located at: http://www.parrotbyte.com/kbc/ferrari/
It’s nice to see another vintage Ferrari being restored on the web!
Thanks to all the people who put in T-shirt orders. Many of you should be receiving them in the mail by now. So far, no one has asked for their money back, so I think I can call it a success! Wear them in good health! If you’d like one E-mail me to request a Shirt
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