Moving Day
Moving Day
It has come time to move out of the space I’ve been in for two years. I’m moving into a space that’s a stone’s throw away from François’ shop for the final push to finish my car. My former shop was a 20 minute drive to François’ so, this will be a great benefit!
Although moving is never any fun, the highlight was seeing my car back on it’s wheels again! It’s so exciting to see the car sitting outside for the first time in over two years!
My car came with a refinished set of Borrani wire wheels, along with a mismatched set of wheels that were used to roll the car around. The first pair of wheels were the same size and off-set, so they fit fine, but the second pair had major clearance problems. Even though I was just using these wheels to roll the car onto the trailer, they were rubbing on the rear calipers, so I needed to find a solution. Scott Garvey’s car is in storage while François is rebuilding his engine, so I decided to borrow Scott’s GTE wheels while I moved my car to its new home. (Thanks Scott!)
Scott’s narrower wheels are mounted on the rear axle, and the wider wheels, like the re-finished ones I’ll be putting on my car, are mounted on the front suspension. I can’t wait to see how the car looks with its new wheels and tires mounted.
Before all the moving took place, I managed to complete on restoration task before all the tools were packed away. This little diamond shaped bend was put in place at the end of the choke cable. It’s a small detail, but I’m told is how the factory did it, so there it is!
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