Updated Suppliers
Updated Suppliers
I recently updated the suppliers page on this website. As I said on the top of that page, none of the suppliers paid to be on that list. I spent quite some time thinking and asking about whether I should seek payment for advertisement on this website to cover some of the time and expense I spend running this site, but have decided against doing so because it can become a conflict of interest in telling the truth about a supplier. The real difference between this website and others is I really don’t have anything to sell. I have no real affiliation with any one shop, nor do I care who sells you parts or who works on your car. What I do care is that we as Ferrari owners get treated fairly, and honestly. Not enough information exists on the repair, maintenance, and restoration on these old cars for many of us to know who to trust, and who to use to help us with our cars. I hope my website helps provide some of this knowledge. Reporting to the best of my ability in an un-biased view of Ferrari shops and vendors will only make this experience more enjoyable. If the shops or vendors disagree with my views, they can defend themselves in an open forum for all of us to see.
Please look over the supplier’s page, and let me know what you would like to add. I and all the other Ferrari owners will greatly appreciate it! Thanks.
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