Workbench IV
Workbench IV
I took a few days off this week, and some of it was spent working on my shop. With the first table completed, it was time to tweak the work area a little bit.
The dark brown masonite pegboard sucks up too much light so I painted it white to help reflect some light back onto the work surface. I also relocated one of the shop lights directly over the table making sure it was in just the right position so my head would not block the light when I was leaning over a project, or too far inward to cause a glare off the table top.(…and you never thought there was so much to consider when setting up a shop!)
Although it seems I’m getting further away from Ferraris, I just had to announce the arrival of another 4-wheeled vehicle to my household; a lawn tractor! This is not meant to open a dialogue on which tractor is best, or whether I should even consider cutting the grass myself, but simply showing off my new toy. I’m sure there are a lot of you out there that would find interest in ANYTHING with four wheels and a motor!
Since we’re on the topic of other 4-wheeled vehicles, excuse this one picture of my daughter asleep at the wheel of our pickup truck! My wife was entertaining herself with the baby as I was unloading the truck at a self storage yard. Although there was no doubt I would love my truck, I’m happy to say the rest of the family loves it too!
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