A Change…

A Change…

Some of you who had a chance to spend some time with me in Monterey heard me talking about a change about to take place in my life, and now it’s time to fill in the rest of my Internet Family in on what I’m planning.

My wife, baby, and I are selling our apartment, leaving New York City, and taking a sabbatical for a trip to Australia! What?! you say? Yes, we’re going to do it, and hope to be going by the end of the year. There are many reasons to do this, and at the top of our list is the wonderful life we are having with our baby girl, and the way our jobs get in the way of enjoying every minute of her. What better time before she has to go to school in a couple of years to go on an adventure like this? The real estate market in NY is at an all time high, and the profit from selling our apartment can easily fund our trip, along with whatever else we decide to do when we get back. When an opportunity presents itself to you like this, you take it!

The next question I need to answer is what will become of this website. Rest assured, I’m not abandoning it. The Forum will continue to live with your and my contributions, and I will still be building the website while I am on the road. The Internet is great that I can do it from anywhere in the world. I also hope to find some Ferrari related activities to do while I am in Australia, and hope that some of the fans of this site contact me for ideas and suggestions. I’d love to visit some restoration shops, dealers, and owners while I’m traveling, and look forward to discovering what goes on in the car world in Australia. I will also be writing about my trip and what we discover as often as I can. I apologize to those that will loose interest in this website, but hope you will find my trip interesting enough to stick around. I hope if you like what you’ve read so far about my adventure with the 330 America, you’ll like what I’m about to do in Australia.

I have big plans for this site and the Vintage Ferrari world when I return, but for now, I will be trying my best to finish the Ferrari grille! I’ve been polishing, but have not been taking pictures because it’s so boring! I’m just about finished wet sanding all the long horizontal pieces, and have begun polishing the vertical pieces. By the time I’m done, it’ll be winter, and the car will be in storage anyway until I return to the States, so I won’t feel bad about leaving the Ferrari!

If anyone has any suggestions or would like to meet sometime while I’m visiting Australia, please e-mail me, and wish me luck!

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