My Ride to Cavallino
My Ride to Cavallino
I’m heading south to Palm Beach next week to attend the annual Cavallino Classic. This year I’m co-piloting a 365GT 2+2 owned by Mark Dempsey. The plan is to meet Mark in Maryland and drive the rest of the way to Palm Beach with one stop along the way. We’ll be staying with another Ferrari owner in Florida, and if I have anything to do with it, it’s going to be a packed couple of days with lots of Ferrari things to do.
Bill Tracy has not only generously offered a place for us to crash in Florida, but also a place to prepare Mark’s car for the show on Saturday. I’m hoping it doesn’t rain (or snow) on the drive down because a Ferrari engine compartment has a lot a places to trap road grime, but we’ll be proud that we actually drove the car down. A recent article in FML talked about how “you know if you’re a Ferrari Dinosaur if…”and brought up a good point. “Ferrari Dinosaurs” remember the days when Ferrari owners drove their cars to the shows, but today many of the cars are trailered, even the new ones! Mark and I will not change the world of showing Ferraris, but are going to prove that some Ferrari owners still drive their cars to shows! Wish us luck!
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