Dino Carbs and California Bound
Dino Carbs and California Bound
I got an e-mail from a Dino owner looking to have a tune up done on his car. His normal shop was too busy to take his car and he asked if I could help. Francois’s shop had an extra space, and I had a couple of days before I was heading out to California, so things worked out perfectly.
As much as Francois likes to work on Vintage V-12 cars, many of his customers have Dinos as well, so he’s certainly not a stranger to these V-6 cars.
The carbs needed a rebuild so we began with a tear down and soaking in carb cleaner.
Zac’s crew have been furiously working on getting his shop ready for the party in Oceanside California. I leave New York for Los Angeles on Friday, and can’t wait to help Tom Wilson and Zac Dugger with last minute party preparation.
Although the party and drive on Saturday and Sunday have been the focus of my trip, I’m planning a bunch of other things during my stay. I hope to make it to the “Cars and Coffee” event on Saturday morning, and I’ve got a couple of shop tours lined up on Monday and Tuesday as well! It’s going to be a crazy 5 days, but as I always say, “Sleep when you get home!”
See you in California!
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