Monticello Motor Club
Monticello Motor Club
I was invited to join Greg Galdi and his group of track junkies at Monticello, NY at the Monticello Motor Club Track facility located a couple of hours north of New York City. Trucks were loaded and schedules were made for a day in late October to try out the track for these enthusiasts to consider a membership in this club designed specifically for motor racing.
Two transporters were loaded with all sorts of vintage machinery, but the weather refused to cooperate. We were relegated to doing laps around this 4 mile track in Cadillac STSs with their traction control units on full tilt!
There was a stable of other cars we could rent, but with the wet conditions, it seemed like a waste of a car. The Cadillacs, however, got their workouts and impressed a lot of people how a 4000 pound car could hustle around the track.
My friends, Jim and Sandy brought two special cars to the track, and it was so frustrating to watch the rain fall and squelch our day on the track. As it became clear to the track owners there would be no break in the wet conditions, they offered us the next day when the weather was predicted to clear.
Unfortunately, Greg and his crew could not stay, and it was sad to see their transporter filled with a variety of vintage machinery drive away. Greg had a much better attitude about the missed opportunity, and reminded me how lucky we all were to have the time to spend a Wednesday at a track with good friends, with or without the rain.
Sandy got on the phone, made some phone calls, arranged with KTR Motorsports and Jim Burns to stay with the truck for one more day, taking advantage of the opportunity. I think both McNeils wanted to stay, but it was Sandy, the true “track rat” that pushed to stay that extra day.
While all the schedules were being moved, I was struggling with staying another day. I had work to do on two Ferraris at Francois’ shop, and already took a day off. As much as I needed to work, I knew the the chance to see a real Ferrari GTO on the track is a rare opportunity. Although the McNeils take their cars out to Vintage Race Events regularly, they rarely have a private track at their disposal. Having an real 289 Comp Cobra would only make the day more spectacular. It didn’t take long to know where I was going to be the next day!
Reminder: If you’re looking for a Vintage Ferrari, or have a Vintage Ferrari for sale, please let me know. I would be happy to help you in any way that I can. I am not a broker, but occasionally hear of a good car for sale and can get them to the end user!
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