Cavallino 2011
Cavallino 2011: Friday Track
I went to the track with my friend Bill Tracy. I’ve been staying with Bill and his family for five years now, and it’s always a pleasant stay. Bill’s house is very close to the track, so we arrived at our leisure well into the morning. The weather was threatening with afternoon rain, but we arrived with partly cloudy skies.
There was one familiar car parked in the Ferrari parking lot near the paddock. It was Art Taxman’s GTE, and I quickly found him walking around the track. Seeing old friends and making new ones is all part of the track day on Friday. There’s a small vendor area where a lot of the usual suspects of sellers and buyers can be found, and there’s always good conversation about cars and Ferraris with some very notable experts. I caught up with Luigi Chinetti Jr. and we chatted about his projects and our common friend Francois Sicard.
Bill Tracy and I spotted this yellow Dino parked at the side of the road before the entrance to the track, and Bill recognized it belonging to a friend John. Tim Stanford Foreign Cars of Ft. Lauderdale is the official tech inspector for the track, and he agreed to take a look at John’s car and it was soon discovered the fuel pump was faulty. There was a quick scramble to find a new one, but no one at the track had the Facet pump. A call to a local Napa Auto Parts store, however, found one, so Bill and his friend jumped in his car to buy it and hoped to get it back before the rain started.
They made it back with a new fuel pump, but didn’t manage to beat the rain. Tim’s brother had the unenviable task of installing the pump in the rain. Lucky for him however, a large umbrella was on hand to shield some of the deluge!
In between repairs, I managed to introduce myself to Tim, his brother, and the staff at the shop. Tim’s reputation in South Florida is impeccable, and many Ferrari owners take their cars to him for service. I hear there is a long waiting list for work to be done, and yet owners wait patiently for their turn. It was nice to finally put a face to a name, and I was honored when I found out Tim visits this website on a regular basis! Great meeting you Tim!
Reminder: If you have a Ferrari related project, car, or idea you’d like to explore, I’d love to talk to you. I can also help if you’re thinking of buying or selling. This website represents what I love to do, share, and how I make a living, so if you’d like to do something together, let me know. It all begins with an e-mail!
Save the Date! Fourth Annual Radcliffe/ Spring Car Show on Saturday May 7th 2011. Richard Garre and I are looking forward to planning this show and more details will follow here and the Radcliffe Motorcar Company Website, but if you want to mark you calendar, the date to remember is May 7th, 2011!
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