275 Engine Assembly and 2012 Tomyang.net Cocktail Party
275 Engine Assembly and 2012 Tomyang.net Quail Cocktail Party
The assembly of the 275 Engine continued last week with the installation of the rods and pistons.
Following the notes we wrote on the face of the pistons, we installed each piston in their respective bores with a ring compressor tool. Francois had me turn the engine after each piston was installed to check the “feel” of the parts. It was very greasy work as everything got a generous application of oil as it was installed.
I wanted to point out a nice little piece we had made up by Montimatic, a Danish machine shop I use for special pieces I need for the Ferrari. I had a customer lose the front bolt that secures the pulley off the crankshaft. It’s a special sized bolt, and not something you can find anywhere. Since we had a couple engines in the shop to copy this piece, I asked our machine shop to make a few in case we would need more in the future.
Although it’ll probably be years before we’ll need another one, having these on the shelf may one day save us a lot of trouble!
I’ll be out in Monterey again this year, and I’d like to invite you to an informal gathering of Tomyang.netters at the Quail Lodge on Thursday August 16th, 5:30-8:00pm. The cocktail party will be held behind the Lodge by the pool overlooking the greens where the big Quail show will be setting up the next day. It’s a great chance to put faces to names that we hear on the Internet, and meet some of the restorers, parts suppliers, and owners of Vintage Ferraris. I hope to see you there!
Reminder: If you have a Ferrari related project, car, or idea you’d like to explore, I’d love to talk to you. I can also help if you’re thinking of buying or selling. This website represents what I love to do, and now it’s how I make a living, so if you’d like to do something together, let me know. It all begins with an e-mail!
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