Mad Rush to the FCA
Mad Rush to the FCA
Francois installed the transmission, torque tube, and rear differential over the weekend. My job on Monday was to hook up the half shafts and all the other ancillary items now that the main components were in place.
There were some disconnected wires under the center console that needed to be reconnected before buttoning everything up. A new battery was installed and I started to check some of the various motors and switches.
I also needed to sort through the radio but the speaker grilles were cracked. I could repair them, but I would really like to find replacements. Any one have any ideas?
I really wanted to get as much done on the 365GTC/4 this month as August will be a busy month for me, one of which will be a road trip to Wisconsin for the FCA National Event.
We were waiting for a windshield to be delivered from Arizona and time was getting short. We had only three days to receive the windshield, install it and get the car ready for Mark to drive his car across the country. When we unpacked the windshield we found it intact, but unfortunately upon closer inspection we found a small chip on the edge of the windshield. Glass can be very delicate and chips like this can easily propagate into a full blown crack. The vendor swore there was nothing wrong with the glass when they packed it, but whatever the case, here was the chip! We didn’t have many choices in what to do. We could refuse the glass, and send it back, but Mark would not have a car for this trip. We could install the glass with the chip, but the risk of breakage would be on our hands. The chip was very small, and easily covered by the rubber gasket, but there were some tense moments when we put the glass in.
We were very happy to get the glass into the car, and every step of the way brought us to the FCA Nationals!
Although my upholsterer waterproofed the door panels, I added another layer of protection on the inside of the doors. Since Mark drives this car in all sorts of weather, I wanted to make sure this car could handle the moisture.
The door panels were replaced to make it more concours correct.
We added perforated speaker holes and an access point for the emergency crank. All these details were missing on the old door panels.
If you’re going to be in Monterey for the Concorso/Quail/Pebble Beach Weekend, feel free to stop by the Third Annual Cocktail Party at Quail Lodge on Thursday August 15th from 5:30pm-8pm. There will be food and a cash bar to kick off the weekend. It’s a great time to meet some of the people from website, and make plans for the rest of the weekend. See you there!
Reminder: If you have a Ferrari related project, car, or idea you’d like to explore, I’d love to talk to you. I can also help if you’re thinking of buying or selling. This website represents what I love to do, and I would be happy to help guide you through the Vintage Ferrari world so if you’d like to do something together, let me know. It all begins with an e-mail!
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