As much as I work, breathe, eat, and sleep Vintage Ferraris these days, I occasionally accept Video production work to keep my skills sharp and my contacts fresh. (Just don’t tell my clients I’m not working on their cars!) While working at the Baltimore Convention Center, I got an e-mail from my friend Sam Smith, a long time Vintage Ferrari Enthusiast, FCA Judge, and former owner of a couple of GTEs. He met a guy at a local car show with a beautifully restored SIII 250 GTE. They talked about correcting small details to present this car at the upcoming National Ferrari Club Meet scheduled for June in 2014. As Sam described the car, it sounded familiar, and when he told me it was restored by Dew Motors in Virgina, I knew exactly the car! I saw that car in various states of restoration when it was in Chuck Wray’s shop, and I admired the work and care they were putting into the restoration. The owner and I have met before talking about his car as he patiently waited for its completion. I was glad to hear Stewart was enjoying his freshly restored car.
The timing of the e-mail was fortuitous, as I was in the Metro Area and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend an evening looking at Ferraris and talking cars! I took the light rail out of the Inner Harbor so Sam could pick me up outside of the Baltimore traffic and headed down to suburban DC.
Stewart’s GTE was just a part of the nice collection of Ferraris and it certainly was the oldest of the lot. The color of the car was stunning, and fit in the blue theme of many of the other Ferraris!
We spent some time going over some of the small details the would make the car perfect, even though Dew had done an outstanding job. The list was short, but I also told the owner the list of sources he could call to get the particular trim piece or correct fastener that was missing.
It was nice to see a near perfect GTE freshly restored, and if things go as planned, you’ll be seeing this car at the next FCA National Event!
Reminder: If you have a Ferrari related project, car, or idea you’d like to explore, I’d love to talk to you. I can also help if you’re thinking of buying or selling. This website represents what I love to do, and I would be happy to help guide you through the Vintage Ferrari world so if you’d like to do something together, let me know. It all begins with an e-mail!
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