Engine Detailing, and Driveshaft Issues
The assembly of the freshly plated pieces were coming together on the light blue 330 I’ve been working on this winter. You may remember one of the carburetors had a badly corroded throttle plate. After trying to find a stock shaft without much success, we ended having one made from scratch by a machinist. Over sized shafts are the only parts available for these carbs, and the cost/benefit ratio made us choose this solution. With everything back on the car, I was able to fire up the engine and tune her up.
The 365 engine rebuild is coming together nicely. The valve covers were installed after checking the clearances and torques one more time. The freshly plated carb linkages were installed and adjusted, and now it was time to wire up the spark plugs.
Another project I’m trying to push through is the driveshaft balancing on a GTE. Assembling all the missing pieces and putting together a driveshaft for this GTE involved several sources, but after all this work, we found the newly assembled parts was too long for this car. Doh!
It turns out there are different drive shaft u-joints, and although our parts fit together in the car, the larger u-joint made our cobbled together driveshaft too long for our application. The only solution was to have our current drive shaft cut down to a workable length.
Luckily, I had a drive shaft from another GTE at my shop to compare, and it was after some head scratching and comparing of parts that we found out the differences. Ferrari often made rolling changes during the production of their cars, so I’m not sure when they started using the larger drive shaft u-joint, but it’s another small change that can cause big problems when trying to fix these cars!
It wasn’t easy to find the best length to have our drive shaft cut to, but I think we have a working solution. Now, let’s just hope the vibration goes away!
Save the Date!
10th Annual Tomyang.net/Radcliffe Motorcars Spring Car Show!
With our tenth year, I hope I don’t have to tell you how much fun this cars show has become.
Where: Radcliffe Motorcars Company
12340 Owings Mills Boulevard, Ste. 100 Reisterstown, MD 21136
When: May 6th, 2017
Contact Richard Garre about registering for the event. Space is limited to about 90 cars, so register early!