2017 Tomyang.net/Radcliffe Car Show
After 10 years of co-hosting a car show with my friend Richard Garre in Reisterstown Maryland, we were worried for the first time there was going to be a rain out! Three days before the event, the weather forecast was predicting a stalled low pressure area that was going to rain for a few days during our car show, but one day out, the forecast changed to just clouds and scattered showers.
The hard core fans of this show came out and although attendance was down by about 30%, we still had a great turn out.
We have been very lucky through the years by having some great support from owners that look forward to attending and bringing some great cars.
Radcliffe Motorcars seems to be collecting quite a few older Alfa Romeo owners as clients, and these new 4Cs must have heard about it and joined us for the show!
We can always count on the Pantera club with a strong showing, and this year we gave them prime real estate on the show field. Thanks for coming guys!
There was always plenty to see inside Richard’s shop, so even if it did rain, we had a dry warm place to hang out.
We also hosted a couple of tech sessions with a great one on Manual Transmissions. Richard had an Alfa gearbox that he had apart to show the inner workings, how the gears mesh, and how the everything works together. We were able to show a lot of guys what parts wear out and what “worn synchros” actually meant!
Here’s a Time Lapse of the show. Thanks everyone for coming, and see you all next year!