Wearing Different Hats
It’s been a while since I last posted, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t busy! Besides working on Ferraris for a living, I find myself often wearing several hats, from mechanic, advisor, confidante, to this week as property manager and car jockey! I manage a warehouse for a client with a collection of Ferraris, and we were making some improvements to the building. It’s a commercial space with a retail tenant that was expanding, and we decided to insulate our storage space with spray insulation.
I spent the last several days moving cars, covering cars, and making sure everything was safe from the dust and debris of spray foam. With a warehouse full of cars, we had to move the cars to one half of the space, cover everything, wait for the insulation sub-contractor to finish, and do it again for the other half! Hopefully, in another week, I’ll be done with all this work and I can get back to working on Ferraris!