365s at the Shop
I’ve been working on a couple of Ferrari 365s at my shop. The first one was a 365GT2+2 that is getting reassembled and getting some brake work.
This car was partially disassembled before I got it to put back together, so it’s been a little bit of a challenge to figure out how to put it back together. It’s kind of like a big jigsaw puzzle and any missing pieces have to be found or made!
Luckily, I’m finding most of the parts!
The harder part is finding someone to do brake work! Finding good shops to do stainless steel brake sleeving is getting harder and harder. Many shops offer brass sleeves, but I like the durability of stainless steel.
The master cylinder on this 365 has an additional problem as it has a step bore, meaning it has two inner diameter bores, so whoever does this sleeve has to make sure they get their measurements right or else there will be more problems with braking.
On a suggestion from a friend, I’m trying out a new shop for sleeving this master cylinder. I’ll end up assembling the seals, but I’ve got my fingers crossed on this new vendor!
I fabricated a new bridge line for the Queen, so the brakes are slowly coming together!
The other 365 was a 365GTB/4 Daytona. This car is overwintering at my warehouse, but I needed to wash it first before storage. Washing the brake dust off the wheels will prevent the caustic powder from eating away the finishes.
Since the car was clean, to took care of a blemish on the driver’s side door with my polisher. O.K., onto the next project!