GTE Assembly: Misc Sorting
After the electrics were sorted on the Grey GTE, I turned my attention to the rest of the little details. The window cranks on this car were a little loose because the previous shop used the wrong clips to secure the handles. Ferrari used a tiny little c-shaped piece similar in shape to a woodruff key, but getting it in place was a real pain in the butt. I can see why the previous shop used the easier spring clip, but I fabricated the correct clip and installed it on this car. Getting it on was a challenge, let’s just hope I won’t have to take it off any time soon…did I just jinx myself?
The trunk weather stripping was popping off and not allowing the trunk to fully close. The aluminum trim strip had cracked and although I was able to get it all back together correctly, I’ll have to speak to the owner about one day repairing this piece by welding it back together.
After painting this car, the side view mirror hadn’t been installed yet, so I masked the area off to drill some holes. Luckily, I had a couple other GTEs and my 330 America to take some measurements. Mirrors were sometimes dealer installed options, so placement can vary from car to car, but I picked a place that would be easy to access, and good for rear vision.
Measure twice, cut once. I succeeded!
The next task is to install a rear license plate frame. More stress with drilling into virgin metal!
The devil is in the details. The vents that came on this car were painted wrinkle black, and not correct for this car. Since we went with a color change with the interior I needed to color match the fresh air vents. One of them will be painted to match the carpet color so it can be mounted in the driver’s footwell, and the second one will be painted red to match the leather. I had a spare vent in my stash that was painted red, but the paint wasn’t close enough to use for this car.
I moved the car outside this week for the first time and it looks great. This metallic grey color is really stunning. I really like the way this car tuned out.