GTE Ignition Wires

The White GTE had a set of borrowed spark plug wires because I have to make up a new set for this car. I noticed the wires coming out of the borrowed spark plug tubes didn’t seem to be lining up with the spark plugs on this engine.

I laid the spark plug tubes I was going to permanently install on this car and found they too sat too far forward on this engine. The problem was the studs that mount the spark plug tubes were installed on the wrong holes on the heads.

The small 6mm studs that secure the valve covers on have two longer studs that are used to hold the spark plug tubes, but they needed to be moved one stud further back on the heads. I had just enough thread on the studs to screw double nuts on the stud to back the stud off and put them back in the right place. It was better than taking the valve covers off to move these studs!