Dino Oil Leaks

I put new tires on this blue Dino and took her out for a drive only to be met with the smell of burning oil. I turned around and headed back to the shop to find out what was going on.

This car had just completed an engine overhaul by another shop, and things looked pretty clean and dry when it arrived, but now I could see fresh oil leaking from the engine.

I could see it was dripping onto the exhaust manifold and onto the frame rails and running back along the car. If left alone, this wet oil was going to collect all sorts of road debris and soon become a right mess!

After removing some parts, and sticking my head way inside the right wheel well, I managed to find the source of the leak. The camshaft chain tensioner was leaking a pretty steady drip out of the end.

I looked up the offending part in my Dino parts book and found there were a couple of seals that could be bad, but I wasn’t sure if this was something easy to do, or would it require some major parts removal. Ferraris are funny (or sad depending on your perspective), some parts are easy to replace, while other simple pieces require complete disassembly of the engine. I hoped this one was going to be easy. I called Francois and a friend in the Ferrari business and talked about the problem. Luckily, the seals could be accessed without risking the chain tensioner setting, so I got to work. I sealed things up and we were good to go. Thanks Francois and Eric for the advice!