White GTE Parking Brake

Every time I take the White GTE out for a test drive I make mental notes of things I’d like to fix or adjust to make the car better or safer, and one thing I wanted to look at was the parking brake.

The emergency/parking brake is operated by a cable and has a lot of adjustment points that can cause it not to work. After going over each adjustment, I found the cable was just too long to allow the brake handle to actuate the parking brake.

The solution was to physically shorten the cable by cutting some of it off and brazing on a new anchor.

I took all the slack out of the adjustment points, checked and double checked how much cable I would have to cut off, and made my cut. Taking too much cable off would mean I would have to replace the whole cable, so I wanted to make sure I got the length right. It ended up being about three inches of length I cut off before I brazed on a piece of steel I fabricated for an anchor.

When everything cooled off, I reinstalled the cable and made my adjustments for a properly working parking brake!