Alfa Prepped for Export

I have a 1961 Alfa Romeo Guiletta Sprint at my shop that am prepping for export to Australia.

The laws in Australia require all imports to their country remove asbestos from the car, and one of them was the brake linings.

I sent the old shoes with the asbestos out to my friend Richard Garre that owns Radcliffe Motorcars to re-line with asbestos free material. He had the correct rivets and experience to do these shoes and since I often try to stick with what I know with Vintage Ferraris, it was a no-brainer to have Richard’s shop do the work.

The re-lined shoes were installed on all four corners of the car.

With is Vintage Alfa at my shop, I really appreciated the engineering in these cars. Just like many Italian cars of that era, they had a certain style in their design no matter how mundane the part!