Ferrari 365GTC/4 Back from Paint

I drove out to Rhode Island last week to see a Ferrari 365GTC/4 get delivered after a fresh paint job. I sent this car to North Carolina last year for my friend Sam for a bare metal respray and color change. I’ve been so busy, I just didn’t have the time to disassemble another car and manage a paint job, but I called my friend Tom Farrell at to see if he had time to do it. Tom had painted a 365GTC/4 for another customer of mine that turned out great, so I knew he was familiar with the particular model, and its specific challenges.

After about a year away, the results were well worth the wait. It’s a metallic dark blue, or Blu Scuro.

Sam invited all the people involved with his car, including John of
IFS, to see the car.

I could tell Sam really missed his car, so we jumped in for a quick drive before I headed back home. We drove out to Newport to take some pictures by the water.

Sam and I have done a lot of mileage together in this car including trips to Ferrari Club National meets in Wisconsin and Ohio, and I’m looking forward to more trip sporting her new color!