Ferrari 330 Turn Signal Stalks

I got the Steering column assembly back from ODD Parts after a complete rebuild and here’s a video describing the problem and the repair.

I’ve been having fun shooting some of these videos because it seems to show some of the details better than in still photos, but it certainly takes more time to shoot, edit, and post videos than just blogging. The reward is to get more people to see these video, and learn about these cars. YouTube can help spread the word about these videos, but the process can be organic. If you subscribe to my YouTube Channel and comment, the more people will notice, and the more people I will reach. Some of you have been with me since the beginning when I was a newbie learning what I could about Vintage Ferraris, but now I’m turning into an “old timer” before my very eyes! I want to share what I’ve learned with the next generation of enthusiasts so I’m trying different media, all the while keeping the photos going on this blog. Having some time at home during this Pandemic has at least been one positive thing this past year. Enjoy!