Ferrari 365GT 2+2 Lights and Doors

One concern with a 365GT 2+2 I have at the shop was the headlights seemed really dim compared to what the owner was used to with his modern car. The standard H4 halogen lights seem to have been eclipsed (pun intended) by modern lighting and I wanted to try an LED bulb replacement.

During my research I found LED bulbs, though energy efficient, still generate some heat and some have cooling fans to dissipate out the back of the bulb. Besides clearance issues, it seemed like another mechanical device prone to failure. I found a bulb that was a little lower in brightness that did not require a fan, and yet still provided more light than the halogen unit without taxing the electrical system.

I installed the new LED bulb in the left side of the car and compared it to the right and you can see the color temperature difference immediately. I waited for evening and took the car outside and found the illumination much better. I still don’t love the sharp cut off the LEDs give, but it’s a small sacrifice for better night time vision.

This car has aftermarket plexiglass headlight covers were held in place with plated brass screws that were pretty chewed up. I had to cut slots in a few of them just to get purchase with a flat bladed screw driver so I could get the covers off. Luckily, I had a set of stainless truss head screws that fit perfectly.

Continuing with the theme of correcting little items on this 365, I took the door panel off to see why the door locks weren’t working. Small adjustments, and lubrication got everything working smoothly.

Taking a peek inside the door, I noticed a jumble of wires that could have brought concern, but I knew exactly what this was. Ferrari window motors are notoriously slow and inefficient, and their draw on the electrical system often over taxes the window switches. Installing relays can help lessen the chances of burning out the switches.

I made this modification on a 365 several years ago, and still have the wiring diagram we sketched out, and it looks like someone else had the same idea! What might have looked like a rats nest was actually an upgrade inside the door of this car.

What was missing on this car was the water shield that keeps water from warping the door panel on this car. Most people are not driving these cars in the rain, so they aren’t installing this protective plastic on the inside of the door, bur I feel it’s always safer to install it because you never know if and when you may be caught in a rainstorm. Also remember, washing a car inevitably gets water inside the door. As the water evaporates out of the door without this sheeting, the water will collect on the back side of the door panel and cause the board to warp. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
The December Pledge Drive is just about done. Thanks to everyone who donated so far. As the global pandemic continues to change, I’m spending my time creating videos to watch while some of you are locked down! Your support of this work, website, and now videos on YouTube is much appreciated!
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