Pebble Beach Early O’Clock 2023

I agreed to meet my friend Steve at the Transporter Lot at Pebble Beach at 5 am to get the cars on the Lawn at Pebble Beach. The rest of the year, this area is called the Equestrian Center, but all the car guys that come to Monterey this time of year know it by a different name!

Even at 5 am, we weren’t the first ones at the venue, but the cars we had to place on the lawn were ready!

My ride into Pebble Beach was this 1961 Ferrari SEFAC 250SWB.

Every one of these cars lined up to drive onto the lawn at Pebble Beach had a story. Some were owned by the same family for decades and were making their first trip to Monterey, while others were restored by billionaires to add another trophy to their collection. This line up brought all these cars together in nervous anticipation.

The owner of this car was invited to show his car without the stress of trying to win a trophy. It was for display only, and I volunteered to drive it onto the lawn so he could get a couple more hours of sleep!

I think the opportunity to drive a 10 million dollar car onto a world famous car show was worth being a little sleep deprived!

I followed Steve onto the lawn in the other car asked to display on the lawn, a rare Porsche Prototype 550A Spyder. This car won the Targa Florio overall for Porsche back in 1956.

After hours of waiting in line, we were finally summoned to drive onto the lawn. The organizers must have changed the way they loaded the cars onto the lawn as in years past when whole line of cars followed each other in, but this year, they were allowing only a few in at a time. It certainly gave the early morning crowds ample time to photograph each car, but the stress of overheating in a 60 plus year old car was on the minds of all the drivers!

I shot a quick video of my drive into Pebble Beach.