Front Burner for a GTE

Many of you may have seen this blue GTE in the background of my shop on my YouTube videos. It’s been at my shop for all too long, and some of it has been out of my control. It came to me from another shop, and I’ve spent the last few years trying to hunt down missing parts, and getting parts to fit. Projects like these can really eat up a lot of time on the phone calling vendors all over the world chasing dead ends for rare parts. How do you charge the customer for several hours on the phone when nothing turns up from the searching? I conscionably couldn’t run up the hours looking for parts so I resorted to looking for parts when I could, or when I had free time. This had adverse the affect of stalling forward progress. Luckily I managed to make some headway recently on getting some much needed parts and have decided to give a concerted effort to completing this car.

The brakes on this car nearly completely plumbed, except for the lines to the master cylinder. Before I could run these lines, I needed to pull the pedal box out and get it serviced.

It was obvious this pedal box may not have been out of this car since it was built, so it was pretty well caked in dirt and debris.

It already started to see improvement after a power washing.

The clutch pedal rod showed a little corrosion, but everything was in good shape.

These pedal boxes are pretty overbuilt compared to the Porsche under floor mechanisms, but that means rarely are the bearings worn out in the Ferraris. A good cleaning and repacking of the bearings and rotating parts, and I had everything working as good as new.

I painted all the parts with the appropriate silver and semigloss black paint, and this pedal box was ready to go back into service for another several decades!

We’re a third of the way through the 2023 TOMYANG.NET Pledge drive and I want to thank you for the people that have already contributed. Your support shows me you read this blog and appreciate it’s existence. Social media has changed the landscape of how we consume media, and it seems more and more, we are distracted by so many places to be entertained. I have found the casual posts and interactions on Facebook fun (if we’re not friends, make a friend request, but don’t be offended if I don’t immediately respond!), but just like my Instagram posts , they seem a little too temporary. I realize that’s the impermanence of the social media, but this blog seems a little more permanent. Thank you for supporting it.