Anyone know of a source for 330GT series 2 wings/fender

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Post by 330GT »

Shaun, before you bid on these, you should check with UK Ferrari. The last parts CD I got from them shows:

242-82-030-02 HEADLAMP RIM 330MK1 0=NLA 52.10
242-82-031-02 HEADLIGHT RIM 330MK1 0=NLA 52.10

At just over £50 each, they are cheaper than the eBay ones. However, I have found that their NOS stuff is a bit shopworn. I usually have to re-chrome anything from them.
Regards, Kerry 330 GT Registry 250 PF Coupe 1643GT, 330 GT 2+2 8755GT, 308 GTS 23605
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