Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

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Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

Post by 5speed »

I am having a problem bleeding my 330 GTC clutch master and slave cylinder. Can anyone help with the correct procedure to bleed the clutch system.
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Re: Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

Post by DWR46 »

This is a very common problem. Air gets trapped in the "U" bend above the master and fluid just flows under the "bubble" of air at the top of the bend. Some people have success "reverse bleeding" by pumping fluid from the slave up to the master, but the best way to to purchase one of the Mityvac MV 6835 vacuum bleeder units. They will move enough fluid to flush the bubble down the line.

The MV 6835 is the BEST bleeding system we have ever found. It is simple to use, not expensive and makes brake and hydraulic bleeding so easy that it is all we ever use today. Highly recommended.
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Re: Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

Post by DWR46 »

One more thought. I have also had success on 330 GTC's by just putting your mouth on the reservoir and "blowing" as hard as possible. In effect, you are pressure bleeding the lines. Sometimes this additional pressure is all that is needed to move the bubble. However, the Mityvac unit is the final answer.
Steve Meltzer
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Re: Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

Post by Steve Meltzer »

I guess there's always another way to "skin that cat" (oops, poor choice of words, since I have 5 of those rascals!). A friend who was retiring from medical practice gave me an electric suction machine with modest vacuum pressures. It was great when I bled the clutch on my GTC and it's how I always bleed the brakes on my non-ABS cars. It's also great to start a siphon if you need to empty your fuel tank or certain other tasks involving fluids, like coolant. It's a Milex 1130 and I see them around on the medical websites, and eBay from time to time. steve
steve meltzer,
"I've spent all of my money on wine, a beautiful woman, and stunning cars. Then, squandered the rest."
John Vardanian
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Re: Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

Post by John Vardanian »

My friend was having this same problem with the 275GTB. The way he finally succeeded was by positive pressure applied at the reservoir mouth.

PF Coupe
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Re: Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

Post by 5speed »

Thanks for the suggestions on bleeding the clutch. I have acquired a Mityvac tool so hope it works OK.
John Vardanian
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Re: Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

Post by John Vardanian »

5speed, did your vac system work? I recall it didn't work for us and we had to force feed the fluid from the reservoir.

PF Coupe
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Re: Problem bleeding 330 GTC clutch

Post by 5speed »

Yes, we applied the vacuum at the slave cylinder and the system bleed OK. I did have to adjust the pushrod on the clutch pedal to get full travel in the slave cylinder. Clutch is working like new.
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