Where to get paint (Glasurit, Dupont, Sherwin Williams) from vintage color code?

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Where to get paint (Glasurit, Dupont, Sherwin Williams) from vintage color code?

Post by peterp »

Apologies for the non-Ferrari question, but this topic should be equally relevant to Ferrari and any other vintage cars. Where is the best (or any?? :)) place to get automotive paint mixed from vintage color codes?

My brother is having his 1966 Sunbeam Tiger repainted in original "Commodore Blue", and he and his painter haven't been able to find paint despite having the codes (Dupont 8435L, Glasurit RTS-106, Sherwin Williams 824). He is looking for "correct" single stage paint rather than two-stage.

It's been impossible to find original cars in that color to sample. He has a couple of vintage Rootes paint color chip brochures he was able to find, but they are too small to sample and the colors between the two samples don't seem to match.

If anybody can recommend a source for paint from vintage codes, we would very much appreciate it.

This source shows the original paint codes:
https://paintref.com/cgi-bin/colorcoded ... ore%20Blue

image [year] make paint color name code sample Dupont Glasurit Sherwin Williams comment
G B Y 1964 Rootes Commodore Blue 106 C 8435L RTS-106 824
G B Y 1965 Rootes Commodore Blue 106 C 8435L RTS-106 824
G B Y 1966 Rootes Commodore Blue 106 C 8435L RTS-106 824
G B Y 1967 Rootes Commodore Blue 106 C 8435L RTS-106 824
G B Y 1968 Rootes Commodore Blue 106 C 8435L RTS-106 824
G B Y 1969 Rootes Commodore Blue 106 C 8435L RTS-106 824
G B Y 1970 Rootes Commodore Blue 106 C 8435L RTS-106 824
Peter P
1966 330 2+2 series 2 #8169
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