Solid state ignition relay (SSR)?

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Solid state ignition relay (SSR)?

Post by Fasthound330 »

I posted this in an old thread, but thought maybe a new thread would be better.

Has anyone replaced their CEAM ignition relay with a modern solid state relay (SSR)? If so, what is your SSR rating? I figure an instant current of 150 amps with a continuous rating of 60 amps should be OK.

As to why I’m interested in replacing the CEAM….because I just had to pull mine and file the points and clean the contacts because the car died on me while running. Getting inside the relay and doing the filing and cleaning was easy. Getting to the relay and re-installing it on the fuse board is a freaking nightmare because of the tiny nuts that have to go on the back of the board. Upper bolts was bad enough. Lower bolt was impossible to re-install. Even my wife with tiny hands couldn’t get back behind there and I am NOT pulling the entire fuse board to get back there. I even tried taping the nut to a wrench (thats how I got the upper bolt secured) and even tried gluing the nut to my finger and sliding it behind the board. Nope!

I’d prefer to just replace it with a modern SSR so I never have to worry about it again.

Has anyone used a SSR replacement successfully?

1967 330 GTC s/n 9911
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