Well, we need a first post of 2024….

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Well, we need a first post of 2024….

Post by Fasthound330 »

Happy New Year, folks. Thanks again to Tom for this website and to each of you who participate and help each other with various car issues.

A 15yo young man posted something on FChat a few weeks back leading to he and his dad coming over to my house to look at my 330 GTC and series 1 Jag E-type. The young man is a car photographer and he’s quite good at it, and his dad drives him to lots of events to allow him to explore his passion. I had the car on the lift and went over the entire car with him, then let him start the car so I could take it off the lift for some photos. He was, as they say, like a kid in a candy store. Here’s a quick video he made of the car in our driveway.


The car is running well thanks to Michael Greenspan who sent me an electrical junction block (via France) to replace the melted block on my fuse panel. The only reason I spotted the junction block problem was because my ignition circuit relay had failed and I saw the damaged junction block when I was removing the relay to repair it. Whew!! All good now, and I luckily avoided a potentially awful situation.

I remain a slave to my two classics and couldn’t be happier in that role.

Here’s to another great year with our cars and our car community.

Oh, and….GO BLUE!! (U of M 1978 BSE Naval Architecture)

1967 330 GTC s/n 9911
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Re: Well, we need a first post of 2024….

Post by tyang »

Hi Kevin,

Happy New Year and thanks for sharing the story. It makes me happy to hear about connections we all make throughout the world because of the ownership of these cars, and the Internet that has brought us all together. Some people here have been around this stuff before e-mails, websites, and social media, and it astounds me how they stayed connected with phone calls, snail mail, and fax machines!

As much as I created this website to store all the knowledge I gained working on my own car, working for Francois, and now on my own, it's also important to meet many of you in person, and sharing our cars with people in public, and I'm glad you're doing it with your GTC.

Happy New Year, and I'll see you all out there, in person or virtually!

'63 330 America #5053
Steve Meltzer
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Re: Well, we need a first post of 2024….

Post by Steve Meltzer »

Kevin and I and many others on this website have become friends vis-à-vis our shared love of these old cars. I've known about Fasthound 's GTC since it was purchased. Even though he's a graduate of the University of Michigan, he's a really good guy! I couldn't possibly mention all the people on this site that have helped me and continue to do so; it's been the best resource ever. A little sublety that I know because Kevin told me, is that the license plates on the car "9911 MO" is obviously, the VIN of the car plus "MO", just as it would be if the car were in the province of Modena!, Italy. Pretty cool.

And ,mentioning the people who have become friends, I would be derelict to fail to mention our friend Tom Martinez, may he rest in peace. A helpful, friendly and devoted member of our community.

THE Ohio State University, class of '71
BS, Zoology, and it really was BS and, no I didn't take anything more than zoology 101, which I hated
steve meltzer,
"I've spent all of my money on wine, a beautiful woman, and stunning cars. Then, squandered the rest."
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