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AC recharge

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 12:22 am
by wwwboard
Posted by Larry Skinner

My 1978 308GTS air conditioner which i'm fairly sure is an R-12 system needs recharging.  Being the "do it myself" type, I'd like to give it a try but have no success getting my hands on the R-12.  Does anybody out there know if R-134a will work without system mods?  What mods may be required?  The system never has worked real well but it being a black car in Florida (todays temp 94) I'm looking for all the help I can get. Thanks!

Re: AC recharge

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 12:50 am
by wwwboard
Posted by zac

first of all you have to remove all the old oil from the system which can be time consuming but possible. the oil used in R 12 systems is not compatible with 134a and does not get properly absorbed so it will cause premature failure. secondly you should replace the Acuumulator(reciever drier) and it may also require replacing the expansion valve(orifice tube). since R134a has a higher operating pressure to be affective make sure all of the remaining components are in good shape or somthing is bound to give. now all you have to do is go to Napa and get the replacement fittings and screw them over the old R12 high and low side fittings. don't forget that you must replace all the oil you removed with the same amount of PAG 15 or equivelant and charge the system with one can on 134 to start and then run the car with A/C on full and add 134 until no more bubbles are present or correct pressures are met( pressure depends on ambient temperature but Napa has a general chart that works pretty good). it all sounds complicated but it is not and a lot of the myths about changing Freons are not true I have done hundreds of conversions for customers over the years with great results the only major issue is that what i said before it is imparitve(?)that all the components in the system be in good shape do to the added stress of higher operating pressure. at $100.00 a pound versus $7.00 it is worth the effort if you plan on keeping the car. remeber the worst theing you or anyone can do to an A/C system is not use it &nbsp